So I said to myself, what’s all this antsy moodiness about?
And she said it’s about a lot of things. Should I go on?
And I said, yes please.
And she said, well, I think it’s got to do with being over-sensitive, and hyper-critical, and feeling trapped and uncertain, and silence and family, and well, lots of things really.
And I said, I thought you’d say that, I know all that - what are you trying to tell me?
And she said, so know-all, if that’s the case, if you really know, then you also know that all this thrashing of self is an ego trip to keep you in misery. The millions of missives the mind dictates to you in a day, and its supercilious nature, especially in its treatment of self, are all the more reason for you to remember what’s needed to quieten that neurotic space. Right?
And I said, yep!
And she said, so what now?
And I said, where’s the candle ….
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