Is 'downward dog' in the morning light on the veranda watched by an audience of kookaburras, butcher birds and magpies
Is the precarious assemblage of lengths of bamboo supporting the broken and rotting guttering
Is the spectacular sight of pythons mating in the sunlight on the solar panels on the roof
Is mildew growing on every wall in every room and in probably every cell of my body
Is the quiet at midnight, a pause that allows me to feel my grief and longing for far away family and friends
Is shy platypus living amongst the lilypads that carpet the surface of the dam
Is the box of a dozen pairs of gumboots under the house and the joy in finding one pair size ‘large’
Is the generous space and multiple rooms in which to lose my reading glasses several times a day
Is white ant, industriously and silently crumbling away at the foundations of my belonging
Is the constant burden of privilege I feel as I sit here on my arse and pray for the millions of homeless, hungry and abused beings living in a parallel universe, right now.
Looks like a book of poems growing too my lovely xoxoxo